
If her name isn’t enough to make you smile, her photographs will. Winky Lewis is based out of Portland, Maine, where she shoots everything from commercial print to fine art portraiture. Lewis’s work is imbued with an unjaded sense of childlike wonder, possessing a feeling that one can only describe as hopeful. Perhaps this alludes to the way in which Lewis views the world around her. Check out Winky's latest project Stay Close from Afar, a collection of faces, stories and photos strung together by our shared humanity. This series feels particularly poignant right now amid our current state of transition, as we navigate a newfound sense of connection community and compassion. Check out Winky’s instagram and website for more images to light up your day.



What is your creative process like? 

Impulsive!  I think I’m much better at catching a moment, than trying to create one. That said, I spend quite a bit of time trying to find beauty in simple things in my studio.

How did you find photography? How has it evolved for you? 

I found photography at a very young age.  My parents took great photos of our family when we young and I truly valued those images.  My brother and father set up a darkroom for me when I was about 13 or 14.  Then I studied with Emmet Gowin in college in the late 80s.  I’ve been taking pictures non-stop ever since, first kids, then weddings/events, then my own kids, and now anything and everything I can!  


Where is home for you? 

 I live in Portland, ME, with my husband, and three kids, two beloved dogs. 

 What inspires you? 

I love finding the beauty in a moment or an object.  It is everywhere and trying to capture it fuels me.  Now that my kids are older and I have more time, I’m feeling quite compulsive about capturing all that I can!

What advice would you offer to your younger self? 

Keep working, keep taking pictures, believe in yourself.  Don’t isolate yourself so much, get out into the world more and collaborate.

What are you dreaming of? 

These days (Covid-19), my dreams are a little scary.  Sleeping is hard.  I’m really scared and those fears emerge at night. Always so grateful for the sunrise.  We are just counting our blessings in this house, but I worry so for all the people who are more vulnerable.  I could go on and on...


Oh, this story! The  day of Shooting at Jen's (Two Dawson) house with Maria of @tintoreriaproject was delightful.  Everywhere I looked there was a photo to grab. Even Charles (the husband) on his mower, under his sun umbrella!  And the goldfish.  And then of course the linens!!!  So amazing to photograph Maria and Jen working so hard to get the gorgeous colors, the steam, the heat, the mixing.  And then to shoot Maria IN her creations, so fun. Not sure how she moved from the heat of the fire and steam right to the modeling, but somehow she did and you’d never know she’d just been stoking a fire for a day and a half, mixing her huge pots of dye and fabric, etc.  Was so fun to witness the work, the linens, and those lovely souls, on that beautiful hilltop spot.  All just perfect.  Cannot tell you how much I can’t wait to do this again!!  We will all be so ready to get together and create again!!

Products shown: {robes} {pillow cases} {bed covers}

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