Terry shot this story of her beautiful daughter Annali one Sunday morning, it’s all about those special moments.
We all seem to find our way into our careers in different ways, some by pure chance, some by a desire we are born with – Terry’s story is about one of those lightbulb moments!
What inspired you to take up photography?
I was in sales (ad sales for GQ magazine), miserable and not very good at it - and knew I had to make a change quick before i got fired. My co-worker took me out to lunch, and when I asked him what I should be doing with my life, he told me I should become a photographer, because I looked like a photographer. I fell in love with the idea immediately and never looked back.
How is taking photographs of Annali different from work?
It’s easier, in that I know her so well. It’s harder, in that, because I’m her mom, she hates doing what I tell her to do.
What do you love to do with Annali on the weekend mornings?
Saturday, we always go into the city (we moved out of the city about 2 1/2 years ago), so that Annali can take her music lessons (voice and piano). Sundays I like to leave open and easy and unscheduled. Annali will sometimes sleep in until 10 or 11, I drink my coffee and read, and then just see where the day ends up going. Plans tend to naturally materialize, or not - either way, we have a good Sunday.
Favourite time to hang with Annali?
I love driving with my daughter in the car. She is one of the best DJ’s I know.
Perfect Day?
Go shopping (she has a really good fashion sense), see a Broadway musical (she is a true fan), then go for ramen (one of our favorite things to eat). Add in watching a rerun of SNL when we get home, and that is a perfect day.