Cecile Molinié is a Paris based photographer, stylist, art director and all around visual storyteller. Whenever possible Cecile and her family spend their days in the French countryside. This serves as the perfect contrast to the city for them, spending their days off surrounded by nature rather than the city’s bustle. Cecile and her daughter shared the sweetest moments in the countryside with our linens. The images make us crave those lazy, languid late summer days spent soaking in the sun.

Where were the images taken?
I took the images in the beach house near Cap Ferret and some in the countryside near Fontainebleau. I discovered the beach house and the Bassin d’Arcachon 25 years ago and Cap Ferret is still remaining wild and authentic with some little fishermen’s villages like l’Herbe or Le Canon. There are big oyster farms there as the Bassin is full of sand bars with shallow waters and the tides allow the farmers to work on the fields. In Cap Ferret you can cycle around, the Ocean is not far and it is warmer than on the other side of the Bassin which makes it very pleasant. People live close to nature in mostly wooden houses and even if it is full of privileged Parisians or Bordelais, it remains cool and wild.

How has the past year been for you and the family?
The past year has been very strange but when I look back at it it brought a lot of clarity, time to reset and think of what really matters in life. We have spent all the lockdowns with closed school in the countryside which changes everything and the second lockdown in Paris but as schools were opened it was not so hard. It has made me realize how « polluted » we are by the mass consumption society and I want to work mainly for projects with a meaning. For the kids, it has been a time to live together and support each other but also harder for the 2 eldest. Pauline 22, is studying medicine in Paris and she has witnessed the 2nd wave growing from the hospital were she was working in a COVID unit. Timothée who was just starting college has met no one and it was a lonely year. No complaints but strange and hard to only work from home for a 19 year old.
What are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about everything with which I can sublimate my life. Of course via photography, but also setting a nice table, seeing a nice flower, a beautiful piece of linen.

Three words to describe yourself?
If I had to pick only 3 words to describe me : generous, insecure, selfless
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t be scared of failing, keep trying. I am too scared by failure (French education :)
How are you and your daughter alike and how are you different?
My daughters and I share the same vision of life and tastes for clothing and interior design which is very rewarding as you never know if your children will like what you like. It is such a privilege to be in the same mood. I like to cook, they don’t. But more important, they know better than me how to be respected by the others and men and I can tell they are more able to say no and set boundaries to protect themselves. Which is very important.

What do you love to do together?
We love to walk in Paris or in the countryside, cycle around in the countryside, go to museums and exhibitions, travel together, shop together, listen to podcasts and share books. It is so uplifting to have this little girl’s community. They are old souls like me …
What is your greatest hope for your daughter?
My greatest hope for my eldest daughter who is so accomplished as she is a brilliant med student as well as a super artistic and bohemian young lady is that she could find a way to express all her skills in her life. And to be free and happy.
What's your favorite thing about Paris, and the countryside?
My favorite thing about Paris is that it is full of possibilities and I really like a morning walk, the the air is so fresh, crossing the river Seine and seeing all the beauty of this city. I love the idea that in a whim you can go to a play, an exhibition, or meet a friend in a fabulous place.
In the countryside I like the freedom, the calm, nature and the impression to enter another space time dimension. I have loved to live here 6 months in a row in 2020. I feel connected to this place. I can’t explain. I often think of Howards Ends when I am there.