Upstate with Kat Creech & Alpha Smoot


Photography by Alpha Smoot


We are always about celebrating stories—stories of creativity, growth, and timeless beauty. From the early days, Alpha has been a part of our journey, weaving narratives that resonate deeply. Her first collaboration with us, "The Art of Unpacking," set the tone for our shared vision. Now, we are thrilled to share another story —one that honors the beauty of impending motherhood with Kat Creech.

The images are beautiful, what was the inspiration?


I wore a lot of Two Dawson during my pregnancies. I loved the way they adapted to my changing body without me needing to change my style or purchase new maternity clothes. I always thought they would photograph beautifully on a pregnant body and always intended to photograph myself in the pieces. So, I was really excited and grateful when Kat agreed to let me photograph her. It’s an incredibly vulnerable thing—to allow a camera to be turned on you in a really open way.

Everyone has different experiences with how they feel in their own skin during pregnancy. I felt really confident and empowered because I was doing this very cool thing—growing another human! Not everyone feels this way though. Having your body taken over by another life can be strange and disorienting. Pregnancy is at once unique to you and yet completely ordinary in the sense that this is how babies are born and the human race continues. I dwelled a lot on this type of thinking through both of my pregnancies :)

We don’t own a house upstate but we spend a lot of time up there; camping, visiting friends, renting houses. It’s the place in the world that I dream about constantly. I’ve always wanted it to be part of my story—imagined being pregnant, playing with my kids, living life in a rural setting. Over many years of going upstate to escape full-time city life and work, I’ve crafted these photographs in my head of raising babies in a more natural place.

You shot in upstate?


Yes, Delaware county. Kat and her family have been working on this amazing farmhouse, doing the majority of the work and designing with their own two hands. They were able to move in this summer ahead of having their baby and the home they have created is such a beautiful space filled with so much warmth.


For more than a decade we would come upstate on what felt like weekends of desperation - to slow down and breathe in the quiet and nature, recharge. But it was never more than a few times each year - so when we bought the farmhouse a couple years ago, we've slowly been able to make upstate NY our full-time home. Watching the days unfold into all the seasons of the Catskills is incredibly beautiful and has also ushered in this big season of transition for all of us - a big lifestyle change for me that has been mostly occupied by new motherhood and creating a warm, livable space out of this farmhouse that was abandoned for 15 years, but obviously beloved by the family before us.

How long have you known each other and when and how did you meet?


That’s a good question! Kat owned the neighborhood coffee shop/cafe so I’ve been seeing her for about 5 years. :) But I think we really started hanging out/talking after she had Fern. We have toddlers that are a couple months apart and we had the same Doula, so to me we felt like kindred spirits. One summer, we ran into each other upstate at the pool and connected over city life, motherhood and upstate dreams.


One of the interesting parts of owning the neighborhood cafe is you get to know little snippets of everyone in the community by how they present themselves in the mundane rituals of quickly ordering their coffee or lunch. Both Alpha and Zack were always so kind in spirit and I could tell that they held a lot of joy in the small pleasures of food (my favorite kind of people) - I always thought that I would love to know more about them. I also loved getting to see Harlow grow up a bit, as they would come into the cafe for storytime.  It felt like such a small world when we ran into each other in the tiny Hamlet of Andes at the public pool 2 summers ago. We bonded over our incredible doula, Bronx life, and camping in order to pursue the "upstate dream." Alpha and her family became fast friends and it feels like I've known them forever.



Kat, you founded Mottley, can you tell us more about this community space, how you started it and what have been your challenges.


We moved to Mott Haven where Mottley is located back in 2016, around the same time I had started a catering business and was hoping to lease my own kitchen space (after working out of many communal cooking spaces). When a neighbor presented the space that Mottley is currently in, just 3 streets down from our home, I fell in love. It was this huge industrial-esque space nestled on a historically preserved street of brownstones. There was a ladder that I climbed up to see the potential of a roofdeck. The space was vacant for at least a dozen years but had once been a church, an auto shop, and an underground salsa club. The space was definitely too big for a newbie like me, but I had this vision for building out a commercial kitchen for the corporate catering clients I had, and using the front of the space and the rooftop to serve as a cafe and community gathering spot. Everything about starting and building Mottley was a challenge but also such a dream come true. The buildout of the kitchen cafe took the better part of two years. We launched and got into a great rhythm and then the pandemic hit - pivot upon pivot but we made it and now the cafe is run by new owners and serving the community with their specific vision. I've been able to become a mom and know that the space is still being enjoyed!

So wonderful that Alpha captured you pregnant, how has this pregnancy been?


I'm so lucky to have this season of life documented by Alpha, who is definitely in her natural element when she's living life upstate. Having this pregnancy in its entirety upstate has felt so much more calm than my first. It feels like there is time to just be and reflect on the gift and miraculous nature of growing a baby. Also, being pregnant while taking care of a vivacious toddler and a construction project, has made me feel very aware of my limited capacity and age :)

How do you both juggle work and motherhood?


Some days I feel like I’m not doing it very well! Most of the time when it’s going smoothly it’s because we have a lot of help in the form of childcare, friends, family and a truly supportive spouse that encourages me to take every opportunity that I can. I have seasons of wanting things to be different—being at home more, working more etc. I'm freelance, so it often feels like my job serves up those swings in schedule. I just try to remind myself to be present in whatever mode I’m currently in, because next month it will swing the other way and years seem to fly by now.


Passing on Mottley to new owners, I went from working 24/7 to focusing on being a mom - a much different kind of 24/7 job. For me the challenge has been to be at peace with not juggling anything - just being OK and feeling like enough without a full time job on top of motherhood. I've loved being able to put creative energy into the farmhouse renovation and bringing new life to a somewhat forgotten space, but you can't bring a baby to a construction zone so I've really had to let my husband be the hands-on director of the project and help where and when I can.

What’s something that has helped you along your path.


Mentors and friends with a generous listening ear! I am the kind of person that really likes to talk out decisions, fears, frustrations etc. I’m really grateful to have people willing to listen and talk it out with me in return. It helps me find the guiding voice that was likely inside me all along.


Friends like Alpha and her family - who find and celebrate beauty in the small (big) things - and who most importantly carve out time to make it happen!

Describe your perfect day.


Somehow, the whole family naturally sleeps in and we get to enjoy a slow sleepy morning while the kids play. We have had so many great days this fall where Zack and I work in our garden and the kids have gotten good at helping us or entertaining themselves in the dirt. It would end with friends coming over for a gorgeous no-fuss meal in the backyard and staying later than planned because we are all having such a good time. I feel grateful that we’ve had a few of these days this year! Lucky me!


Waking up rested, in a space that feels warm and like home. A great cup of coffee on the porch, followed by a delicious pastry or egg sandwich at a local mom and pop shop. Visiting some other local spots with friends and maybe scoring some one-of-a-kind vintage pieces. Somewhere in the day there is swimming with the whole family (including our dog, Pepper) and friends. A home-cooked meal that's been simmering so when you walk in the door, the whole house is perfumed with whatever is on the stove. Watching the sun slowly go down with a great beer or glass of wine - a long soak in a warm bath before watching a movie and falling asleep on the couch. Throw in some toddler giggles freckled throughout the day (no melt downs please) and voila, the perfect day!





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