At home with Photographer Anna Malmberg



We have loved Anna's work for awhile and we were thrilled that she wanted to create a story with us around our linens. She has such a wonderful eye, a love for natural light, places with a historic soul, natural materials and interior design, we knew she would work her magic on them.


Where is home and how long have you lived there? 

I live in an old townhouse in a village surrounded by vineyards in the South of France not far from Montpellier and the Mediterranean sea, with my boyfriend, our 11 year old son and our two Maine Coon cats. We moved here from Sweden in the middle of the pandemic 2020.

What brought you there from Sweden?

I have dreamt about the life in the South of France since I was a kid and saw the movie "My Father's Glory". I met my French boyfriend soon 17 years ago and after many years in Stockholm together we decided to change our life with less stress and a warmer climate. We haven't regretted our decision one day since then.

Have you always felt a need to create in your life? When did you first find your passion for taking photos? What is your creative process.

I grew up in a creative home with artist parents so it has always been natural for me to create. I found my passion in photography when I was 14. My dad built a darkroom in our laundry room. I started to experiment and fell in love with photography.

If you had to name three things that have shaped your method of creative expression, what would they be?

I guess my childhood shaped me a lot. To grow up in the Swedish countryside with artist parents who believed in me and pushed me to be a photographer.

Then I believe my interest in interior comes from the fact that I'm Swedish. We spend so much time at home during the cold months. We want to create a cosy nest in which we feel good and which is welcoming for family and friends. The fact that I work from home makes it even more important. I need to feel good at home and to have a creative and cosy environment around me.

Since we moved to France I feel inspired most of the time. By the light, by the countryside and by all beautiful old buildings. So I feel that these things shaped my creative expression pretty much.

Where do you look for inspiration?

In music and old movies, in the life around us and in the work of female artists.

Do you have any rituals that you never fail to begin and end the day with?

Cuddling with our cats and listen to music.

You are an avid traveler, what's your favorite trip/place and what's the trip you are dreaming of?

I loved the travel to Sicily last year with my best friend and colleague Mari Strenghielm. I have dreamt of visiting Sicily since many years. We found an amazing artist that we visited and shot his home for our upcoming book "Creative Homes". I love Italy and definitely want to go back to Sicily soon. I will never forget my trip to Mexico City a few years ago. I travelled alone for a shoot but it was during covid so I had to spend 10 days alone in this big city. I visited the house of Frida Kahlo and the beautiful area around where she lived and that was one of my favorite days ever. But my absolute favorite trip was a three weeks long road trip with my boys between Austin, Tx to LA, California some years ago.

I dream to travel to Tulum in Mexico one day with my family.


What are your comforts when you are away from home?

I most of the time bring a speaker so I always have music in the hotel room.

What are you currently listening to?

I've always been into female bands and artists and for the moment I listen a lot to the British indie rock band Porridge Radio. I'm hopefully gonna see them in Paris in April.

Describe your perfect day.

I love to visit the local flea market in a nearby village on Saturdays and then to meet up friends for a wine lunch in the sun. Or a road trip with my family where we stop in small villages and wandering around old alleys and having a picnic with a nice view. Or just spend the whole day on our terrace when it's warm.


What advice would you give your younger self? And what is the best piece of advice you’ve received and would like to impart with us?

I would tell myself to not worry and stress too much. It destroys you and will help nobody. Someone told me once to never become someone else when I moved to Stockholm from the countryside. I always have that in mind. What ever you do and wherever you live or how much you'll ever succeed, always be you and stay true to yourself.

Products shown: Patchwork pillow case, Multi Patchwork pillow case, Desert Rose Duvet Cover, Desert Rose pillow case, Desert Rose Robe, Desert Rose Audre top

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