Ania’s photos are delicate and feminine, imbued with a sense of peace and stillness. It’s no wonder she has coined the hashtag #myquietbeauty for her extensive work. Her photographs are like still-life paintings, consistent in their attention to earthy hues, shadows, textures. She is based in Jesi, Italy where she works as a stylist and content creator as well as photographer. Her beautifully curated instagram is like a portal into a secret garden, full of rich moments that will inspire you to get outside and pick fresh flowers or sit down for a peaceful cup of tea.

How did you find photography? How has it evolved for you?
Well I think it started thanks to Instagram. I discovered there so many beautiful and creative accounts and I felt in love with their photos. I have always loved flowers and nature. In the past I used to paint some still life's with flowers, so it was obvious that all still life photos caught my eye. I bought my first camera and started to experiment with it. I learned everything by myself and I'm still learning. I did a lot of practice and at some point I developed my own style. Through my photos I try to transmit calm and quiet, something that I'm still looking for in my real life. I hope to inspire others to slow down a bit and appreciate the simple things in life.

What is your creative process like?
First I think about the idea, sometimes I draw it just to be sure that I will not forget it. There are days that my creativity is down and then other days that I'm full of ideas. I shoot mostly during weekends when I have more time for myself and my hobbies.
Where is home for you?
I live in Italy but my home is and will always be in Poland. I'm Polish and my family still lives there. I miss my country a lot.

What inspires you?
Mostly nature and the changing seasons, a long walk into the woods or by the seaside but also Vermeer's and Rembrandt paintings. I love so much how they use light in their art.
What advice would you offer to your younger self?
To believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities.
What are you dreaming of?
I'm dreaming about a little cottage with a big garden, in the countryside or near the woods, to have my own photography studio, and to be sure of myself ( yes I'm still working on it) and get out of my comfort zone.

Products shown : {Linen Robe, Blush} {Linen Duvet Cover, Desert Rose} {Linen Fitted Sheet Sand} {Linen Pillow Cases, Desert Rose}